Wednesday, May 16, 2007

And Horseshoe Beach

May is just the best month
Dogs love to exercise, without their leash, at Horseshoe Beach. They swim and chase after things watched over by their doting owners. The old dog in the foreground is 14 years old and 'fragile'. A few areas of town are designated for dogs where they are allowed to be without their leash.

Anjing senang bergerak bebas tanpa dirantai, berlari-lari di Pantai Horseshoe. Mereka mandi dan suka mengejar-ngejar sesuatu dan selalu diperhatikan oleh pemiliknya yang menyayangi mereka. Ada beberapa tempat di kota dimana anjing diizinkan bergerak bebas dirantai.
Bahasa Indonesia thanks to AM & I

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