Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Stationmistress on the north coast railway line which accesses a string of delightful seaside towns:
Port (Macquarie), Woopi (as it is known), Coffs (Harbour), Nambucca Heads, Byron (Bay) to name a few, then, next, the so so, mad Gold Coast and then Brissie. Part of the journey will be by "Rail Coach" - a bus!

We are told this country has a skills shortage. While I don't know many of the visa requirements, employment is available for temporary residents.
As well, unskilled work on short term work contract is offered. Young tourists have opportunities and I believe their work visas have been extended. Teachers and Nurses are sought after - as everywhere. Our young professionals are recruited for the UK etc, perhaps this adds to an imbalance.

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