Monday, December 8, 2008

Last stop
All trains of thought
Shunt off.

Here is a full scale Hornby-style model railway.
Silver trains, on auto, run back and forth, almost on the shore line. All Change! Toot toot!
Heroic-the-tug-boat and Shortland-the-Stockton-Ferry exchange 'hello' while Harry-the-Cafe-on-wheels-tram-car joins in and animates the conversation in a landscape full of authentic detail against the backdrop of old-hilly-city fanned by salty-sea-breeze.
'I do want to look my best for the new CCTV,' Ms City-rail is heard to say.

The inner suburbs are served by a short branch line and Newcastle Station is on the end of the line, a hop step and jump from the best beach and within spitting distance of the Harbour. These features might be considered quaint.
The GPT Group propose to transform the city and suggest removal of the the railway line along the harbourside section and a bus transit service instead - all of which has merit.
All the same, it was always wondered by me if the roadway along the foreshore was ideal as it divides and hassels and uses up a lot of the narrow tract of land along the foreshore.
Photo below: at the end of the line.

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