Sunday, January 31, 2010


Wooden poles. Getting down to bedrock, pile driving, footings, yes, this is about building construction. No less than two poles, probably, one after the other, are hammered down a long way to reach bedrock. The area near The Junction was a swamp, they say, and I seem to recall it was once said a river estuary was in the vicinity in ancient times.
 Another school building. Is it part of the program called 'building the eduction revolution' which is a big investment from the Australian government and is for economic stimulus and job creation in the construction industry.
 The property has the ubiquitous black fence, they are all the same all over the place, so the fencing industry is the best industry to be in, for fences are the answer to everything. Are they a waste of the stimulus funds? At the weekend sadly I heard about another breakin at a school and I bet the school is well fenced.

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