Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A carving told us we were entering Biripi Country (Taree area to the north).  Roadhouse.
And more of the same coal train to the north pictured here Tuesday.

Chris drew attention to an article in NY Times: Is there an Ecological Unconscious?  Thanks to Daniel B Smith the article is very easy to read and he presents an interesting theme with reference to Glenn Albrecht who was dwelling around Newcastle and dwelling on ecology and solastalgia which is the term Albrecht coined to describe our 'homesickness' in the face of local change. Our feelings around environmental concerns  have led to ecopsychology and associated therapies to lend us a helping hand and this work is explored in the article. The Herald, Newcastle has featured academic Albrecht's musings if I am not mistaken.

A local environmentalist, John Seed, has had similar concerns for some time now, and amongst his global activities, is a roadshow, which at times. has dealt with issues of despair and empowerment. Joanna Macy was an associate. John Seed, just back from India, has also focused on saving the rainforests and his web site, here, has more details.

(Therapists: Even psychologists discover wholism and contiue their march to 'muscle in' on every conceivable issue, in this case, seeking to keep up with ecologists and sociologists).

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