Monday, May 31, 2010

From the train to Sydney. Leave Hawkesbury River behind and climb over steep sandstone hills then down to the Sydney 'basin.'  The climb is a good section to take a nap.

Other than that, the blog is beset with computer glitches just now. Nothing much is happening.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Eurovision Song contest on SBS TV.  Please do what you do best, quirky style entertainment with an earthy flavour fused with folk and burlesque with fiesty women often in extremely long boots.
Down with globalisation and American lookalikes and overthe top ballads. Stop progress. Stop English. Use European languges as a must. Bare feet were fine as were dresses with burlesque flounces.
And the camera person....please allow a view of what's on stage...please focus long enough to catch more action and more details instead of all the non-stop wandering around the lights and the roof, all of which is creative and magical but is simply overdone.We can take reality...I think. Thank you SBS hosts.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

e-Books....i-pad. Where do picture books fit in?
This tale from ancient Java is filled with striking detail in illustrations highlighted in gold and makes wonderful use of traditional motifs.
Indonesian culture has a traditional world of wayang puppets such as these and tell grande tales such as Rama and Sita taken from the Hindu epic The Ramayana. Adventures and the ageless struggle of good against evil is told again and again. 
I suspect the same theme is found in other cultures of South-East Asia.

Rama and Sita. A Tale from Ancient Java. Retold and Illustrated by David Weitzman
Published by David R Godine Boston 2002

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Fish 'n Chips?  From the past, a Cafe where real burgers are served. An array of pale yellow pre-cooked things in batter fill the display case waiting to be fried in deep boiling oil. Plastic strips hang across the doorway.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Look what happens when a car gets out of control. Joy ride? At West Wallsend.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Last comes the beverage of the Orient shore,
Mocha, far off, the fragrant berries bore.
Taste the dark fluid with a dainty lip,
Digestion waits on pleasure as you sip.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Newcastle Kart Club. Youngsters start with assistance. Others don't need assistance.

One of the young women competitors. Lastly, taking a 'short cut' on the grass.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Muster Point memorial to the steel industry is created in heavy duty metal work

Just now lemons are plentiful and for a change have inspired some cookery. There's old fashioned Lemon Delicious pudding as well as Lemon Meringue pie where the egg yolks go into the lemon filling, heated while stirring endlessly, and egg whites go into the meringue on top.
Fresh vegies are liked best but frozen are always kept on hand. In Woolworths supermarket a lot of frozen vegies are from China and these products meet with my resistance even while knowing this is unreasonable as it can probably be assumed that quality control is operative. As well, it is very strange to transport vegies all those miles.
Every cent counts in the mega food commodity industry. Basic foods are sidelined when there's bucks to be made in the processed, the ready made, the imported bargains. 
ABC Radio investigated local food and fruit picking and the role of illegal immigrants and backpackers who meet all sorts of problems working on Australian farms.

Steel making, food crops, you name it and it's gone off shore.
De-skilled but not defeated!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Metal barrier with cut-out letters instead of ubiquitous bright plastic. (See previous post for another example of this industrial strength feature at the Convict Lumberyard).
Why pick on that perverse feature and fail to show this coffee outlet to advantage? Had I known how this business dominates the search engine I could have given it more attention - maybe.
The location is close to Newcastle Beach where a take-away coffee is an idea. Shame the view is blocked by the fence! Perversity rules.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Convict prisoner symbol near the archaeological remains of convict era, Lumber Yard, Newcastle.
In 1819 the town gang of 256 convicts worked on construction projects around the settlement of Newcastle using the Lumber Yard as their base. Later the site housed convicts. Afterwards  it was leased to a store keeper but eventually burned down.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Jessica, aged 16 years, returned to Sydney Harbour yesterday after sailing solo around the world.
People have mixed reactions to this feat. I can imagine what grumpy old men might say.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Site of Convict Lumber Yard in Newcastle from when Convicts were held in the colony   Lumberyard could be a  timber yard.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Men need a crane no matter what the job is these days. City Hall clock tower required attention.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mothers Day, Sunday and all of us mothers were not doing sterotypical things in a romantic white room with a breakfast tray and a scented rose. No, we were free spirits taking in the morning sunshine at Newcastle Beach.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Christmas tree...empty crib....Newcastle Private Maternity Hospital and symbolism....I came across an old photo...tomorrow is Mothers Day.

Coffee at Newcastle Ocean Baths.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

New fence. It's all or nothing!
Regardlessly, images are posted here every few days while, in counterpoint, day to day life continues with highs and lows, joys and sorrows, birth and death, sickness and health and personal space is usually held private from public persona in the blog. Much more is probably revealed by others via social networking.

Monday, May 3, 2010

All day the marshalls waited for this moment. High drama on the rally track? Finally an excuse to start up the tow truck.

'Yellow' had been going like a blur before a mechanical failure meant it was towed back to the 'pits'.

All wheel drive supercharged are hard to beat. This could be one of them. West Lakes Auto Club, Awaba.