Sunday, January 23, 2011

Outside the art gallery, Newcastle.
Perhaps goods and services use the front entrance too.
The gallery building will be extensively enlarged soon which will be good. Funding for that is a big ask, evenso, the new building will duplicate existing services that are available close by because galleries take on more than their core activities and they seek complications and provide space for education as entertainment, a social venure and last but not least a chaotic coffee shop. It is a model that celebrates diverse activities.

Hey, Small is beautiful.  In so many ways we slavishly follow the bench mark established by XYZ gallery, overseas in providing this and that. Why?  Just to become another commodified clone? All look the same. The patrons and staff back from world centres need reassurance that way. Does travel really broaden the mind! Or education for that matter.
The Wetlands is into empire building as well.
Possible alternative auditorium space. City Hall, near the gallery, appears to have oodles of venues available for use and in Darby street, coffee shops abound. Perhaps two fine church buildings in the same street could double as cultural centres - but there I go copying others, for example,  they say that Saint John the evangelist (I believe) in New York city, (an exraordinary Gothic ediface) stages any amount of cultural events.
The daring possibilities are endless. Update: Cathedral of Saint John the Divine is what is intended.

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