Sunday, February 27, 2011

Three pilots of No. 450 squadron, RAAF, watch the approach of Messerschmitt 109s from a trench at Gambut, Libya.  A spade makes a useful sunshade. 

The history of Libya is very long with a long succession of occupying powers. 
  In 1940 it was something, in part, of an Italian colony with Italian settlers, where British and Commonweath, Italian and German forces engaged in warfare. Battles ranged over the region but the Mediterranean port of Tobruk, a point of supply, in the province of Cyrenaica, was beseiged and features in the annals of Australian wartime history.
 At present, in turn, Libyans seek refuge in their neighbours. War gamers, adventures, dictators, tantrums - it's all HIStory.
Vocab: Bardia, cruiser San Giorgio, Derna, Benghazi, the Desert fox or Wustenfuchs, Deutsches Afrikakorps, Stukas, Junkers, Messerschmitts, Fieseler Storchs, El Agheila, oasis of Giarabub, 'famous Tobruk Ferry Service' or the 'Spud Run', Panzerkampwagen, Panzerbefehlswagen, Blenheim bombers, Hurricanes, Tomahawk, Kittyhawk fighters.
From war time series of books published 1940s by Australian War Memorial,  for public relations. 

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