Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Pit stop timed in nano-seconds. The team spends Sunday doing circuts.  Endro Karting out Sugarloaf way, Newcastle.

Pit control in combat with high speed as the machine roars out of the pit for another circut. After all, these karts have two rear engines. They carry a device that sends data back to control tower so that real time results are under constant review - adjust that fuel mix, lose a kg, brake harder at minmi corner....

NSW voters have just placed a number of new people in a job - that of member of parliament. Job description is taken for granted. Did we see qualifications, desirable aspects, experience, references?  Oh! those points are covered by Facebook and Twitter?
Renumeration about 136K for back bench plus generous allowances and expenses, progessing to about 280K to 362K plus.

Is it a sign of devine intervention?  Visitors to this blog among the elect? (parody) An out-of-world hacker has placed a visionary advert on the very end of this blog or is it the work of the mastermind secular corporation to which I am tied, so to speak. BTW, T shirts with themes about faith are not my thing. 

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