Sunday, November 16, 2008

Almost time for the Christmas letter with greetings and a narrative of the past year's doings. We find outselves reacting to these letters. A few rules surround Christmas letter writing according to Erika Hoffman who believes her advice will result in a letter that others will look forward to receiving. Is she correct? I know what Erika is getting at but it certainly rules out all the goss.
  • One page is long enough.
  • News of your kids who have left home is no longer included as they have lives of their own.
  • It is not the time to write of sad events.
  • Two success stories are the maximum.
  • Only use humour if you are naturally funny.
  • One photo is enough.
  • Include an email address in case anyone is truly interested in hearing more.
  • Your young kids could be invited to draw and decorate the letter and envelope.
  • It is too late to mail a Christmas letter in the New Year.
  • Don't write how busy, rich, sick or wonderful you and yours are.
  • Sign off on a hopeful note.
  • Write a line by hand to personalise each letter
(Based on Australian Catholics Magazine Christmas 2008)

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