Wednesday, November 12, 2008 11am Sat 15 Nov. Martin Place. Recommended by Newcastle climate action who plan to catch the 7.20 train from Newcastle.
Old power poles have a use as a message board.

Criticism has been aimed at the terribly inefficient system that is the hugh coal export industry in Newcastle. It could well be valid criticism at one level.
Adopt a new way of seeing. Mining is highly mechanised and removes coal at an unprecendented rate. The potential power for total plunder is taken for granted. Coal pours away non-stop to other shores. Must we use up the entire commodity in one life time?
Can we forgo the so-called wealth from a minerals boom and adjust our lifestyle down for the sake of sustainability and global warming? Find other ways.
It would be unrealistic to imagine untold wealth and progress, with us as another Shanghai or as a fabled Dubai look-alike. Who needs it?

Papua New Guinea. Pidgin. Reproduced for study purposes.

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