Thursday, October 28, 2010

Across the river is a house. A local said it was originally a Cobb & Co stageing post. A shaded side track follows the river.

This is Gresford, with,  I believe, the Paterson River which is providing water for the town and is having the small scale supply infrastructure rebuilt. The Allyn River in not far away either.

Health and weight: My cholesterol is lower and a good combination of fat prevails and statins staved off, but  keeping on track is what it takes and there is hope of that. Someone swore by the eating of beans every day, along with exercise, for overcoming some forms of diabetes. A reasonable endeavour no matter what.
Statins contributed to a dramatic fall in death rates in England and Wales last year says an official report. About 5 millions people in Britain are on statins. Other opinion totally rejects this conclusion, according to the Telegraph UK.

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