Friday, September 17, 2010

Mornings are getting warmer.
Below: North Americans going feral, Cairns or bust, setting out after a car service at K Mart. Surf boards in tow. I guess that surfers get well informed about the best surfing destinations for while classic waves are found all along the north coast, I don't know about the far north tropics and Cairns, but there, the Barrier Reef islands and the lifestyle is sweet. Summer is the rainy season. 
This is a simple photo largely of the art work on the van- probably one of the oldest these kids have ever driven. I hope they keep the oil and water well topped up even when Toyota is very reliable. Total milage is most telling. 
Add engine oil? On the early models this means clearing the passenger seats and the space behind, some feat, undoing the locks on the seat, raising and tilting it back, finding a handy little strap with a certain clasp that holds the seat suspended while you peer down to find the dip stick and so on. Easy enough for a truckie.
Motor homes: a location that looks perfect also needs to be level parking, an incline makes quite a difference. Small and lower vehicles have far more options when it comes to city parking stations or any overhangs.

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