Monday, September 13, 2010

Newcastle to Sydney service.
Defence Force Air Show is on Saturday and Sunday 18 and 19 Sep 2010 at Williamtown.

Area Health management has changed the work rosters for nurses who are not entirely happy according to media. Nurses who need to look after family at home need concessions, shift work must be very difficult.  From my observation continunity of care is an important consideration. Helps save 'reinventing the wheel' each and every shift. The actual art of care is aided by continunity, old fashioned redundant as it is. It means we are treated with more comfortable predictable targeted care. Old folk and young folk have an unwritten medical history from as long ago as the day before which provides a background and a context and details for the very work at hand. Rostering could aid familarity. Failing that the documented history is available for reference!
Professionals take the good with the bad. Health care staff : a lot should be done for them but without it being a case of the 'tail wagging the dog'.

My gross weight: 81.5kg, (minus .5kg. is this drop real?)

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