Thursday, May 19, 2011

Another economic stimulus project at St Philip's Christian College, Waratah and compared to others this hall is a behemoth perhaps a fitting description as behemoth is biblical for an animal, perhaps the hippopotamus (Macquarie Dictionary). Unlike some suburbs, this one absorbs developments on all fronts and little back streets coexist with activity and increase in thru traffic .
The hall is assembled tilt built style using a crane (what else?). A timeless characterless mass of concrete softened with landscaping.

Is there no room for an alternative design, here and there, for a new assembly hall? Will this decade of public buildings in the nation's schools be recognized for their winning style, or their heritage, in eighty years time? Is there no time or money for an architect to exercise imagination and make a building with a hint of flair that stimulates the learning environment?  Colour and texture.
As long as something, anything glossy emerges everyone is gratified.

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