Sunday, May 15, 2011

A brisk morning for a walk and while some of us were rugged up to the nines, one man was in shorts and a lightweight top. The logo from Aspen probably explains why. Seems particularly cold for May.
The headland, Nobbys, has a light house and weather station and an old ex-wartime bunker on ground level has a new lease of life 'guarding' the Port of Newcastle.

On SBS TV, Eurovision with the lookalike Streets ice cream symbol is a feast of lighting effects, fashion and hair styles and something of a window on what is current.
Moldova were the true madcap winners, witches and all, as was Estonia who were clever impressionists of the sureal.
Please stop American copy cat female divas who rave on - only in English. Macedonia was interesting.  France entirely lost the plot.
Terrible is a good description if the show is taken seriously.
Trivia: a Streets Ice cream sign, (it is tiny), is in the large photo heading the page. 

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