Sunday, May 8, 2011

Beethoven's Ninth, Fourth Movement. Choral.    Gotterfunken

Oh friends, not these tones!
Rather, let us raise our voices in more pleasing
and more joyful sounds
Joy beautiful spark of divinity
Daughter of Elysium
We enter, drink with fire,
into your sanctuary, heavenly daughter!

Your magic reunites
What custom strictly divided
All men become brothers,
Where your gentle wing rests.

Who ever has had the great fortune to be friend's friend,
Who ever has won a devoted wife, join in jubilation! ...
Joy all creatures drink
At the breasts of nature,
All good, all bad
Follow her trail of roses, Kisses she gave us, and wine, ...

Be embraced, you millions! This kiss for the whole world!
Brothers, beyond the star-canopy
Must a loving Father dwell
Be embraced,
This kiss for the whole world!
Joy, beautiful spark of divinity,
Daughter of Elysium
Joy, beautiful spark of divinity,

prompted by program on ABC TV1. 
Mother's Day

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