Sunday, November 30, 2008

Passengers on the Cremorne ferry.

Vale : Joern Utzon, designer of the Sydney Opera House.
Trivia: The shape of the opera house is formed by rearranging the segments of half a sphere.
A day ahead of myself my round theme was also posted previous to this.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Round as a photo theme.
Large bell in a carillon.
The keyboard is downstairs and wires run up to the tower to link the keys with the mechanisms that strike the bells.

Heroic styled art. An extract for study purposes.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Round theme. This dome crowned the tower of the Sacred Heart Cathedral
in Hamilton and was damaged in the earthquake on 28th December
1989. It is a memorial to those who lost their lives.

The Cathedral is Inter-War Romanesque style designed to avoid
modern themes yet get away from gothic lines (Maitland &
Stafford 1997).

Gannon is at his best in this example of his work - in my eyes. The work of other architects would have been welome as Gannon had dominated that era and designed quite a number of churches which have merit in an ordinary sort of way.

Below: English language

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Who thinks big of him? (Warning modifications fueled by beer & testosterone)

Below: another tale in Russian about little people.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

This cool hound was probably taught through a reward system and he was applauded at the markets.
Will any other dog stories emerge today? From time to time the blog accidentally parallels a local happening and I like to see any quirky connections although it is not good when a tragedy occurs.

In order to keep on task, learning theories explain how intrinsic rewards are important. They apply in the case of this blog. Extrinsic motivation is also identified.
Some opinion has it that money is a motivation that tends to have a motivational effect that lasts only a short period (on teaching staff for example).
Praise, respect, recognition and empowerment and a sense of belonging are far more powerful motivations than money. Is that so? The State treasurer would love this news. By how much will salaries be increased?

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

If you look closely you may see a snake who had made a warm home on the roof in the air vent. It was hard to say who got the biggest fright even when the snake was believed to be a harmless python who was soon encouraged to return to the wild.

Below is believed to be an example of child's verse in Russian mit humour.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Water is precious. Beside a small Hunter valley river as sunset nears.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

A passage way makes a very small kitchen by Sydney standards.
Imagine a temperamental chef let loose in there. We know what four letter word Gordon Ramsay would use.

?woleb oihcconiP siht sI ! ol dnA

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Memorabilia and a Soviet Arm band in red.
Memorabilia and memory.
Ostalgie (East German) and Soviet chic are occasionally used to refer to nostalgia for life under the socialist system (Wikipedia). Care still lingers on for the illusion of that world despite awareness of the reality.
And what about the Trabant and Lada fan clubs?

Friday, November 21, 2008

For sale at the markets: For the Aussie shopper, sheep skin hats on bearded Cossacks or KGB.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Didgeridoo: Australian Aboriginal wind instrument with these seen in a display of souvenirs.
Do Hugh or Nicole even render a tune in THE epic? Carefree with the use of anachronisms.
X-ray art of the Aborigines compared with ceramics, pictured below, of Mediterranean (Cypro...) art from around 800BC. (Nicholson Museum)

Petok....petok....sura apa itu?
ayam betina
Bahasa Indonesia

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Monday, November 17, 2008

There's something for everyone at the markets. News of this craftperson had reached Florida and she told me photos were requested for a magazine there. Bronii.
This is not to take away from the work of indigenous people who have always been expert with gourds - I believe.

Kung....Kong....sura apa itu?
Bahasa Indonesia

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Almost time for the Christmas letter with greetings and a narrative of the past year's doings. We find outselves reacting to these letters. A few rules surround Christmas letter writing according to Erika Hoffman who believes her advice will result in a letter that others will look forward to receiving. Is she correct? I know what Erika is getting at but it certainly rules out all the goss.
  • One page is long enough.
  • News of your kids who have left home is no longer included as they have lives of their own.
  • It is not the time to write of sad events.
  • Two success stories are the maximum.
  • Only use humour if you are naturally funny.
  • One photo is enough.
  • Include an email address in case anyone is truly interested in hearing more.
  • Your young kids could be invited to draw and decorate the letter and envelope.
  • It is too late to mail a Christmas letter in the New Year.
  • Don't write how busy, rich, sick or wonderful you and yours are.
  • Sign off on a hopeful note.
  • Write a line by hand to personalise each letter
(Based on Australian Catholics Magazine Christmas 2008)

Saturday, November 15, 2008

It was nearly dark enough to switch on the lighting. Some were making the point that Christmas lights should be displayed only in December, not in November, because they waste electricity.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Up until 1982, 90 Hunter Street was the Newcastle Police Station. It is now a museum where the doors of the prison cells remain open. Kinky curators are kept at bay.
A rare example of an 8x5 ft (2.3x1.26m) cell introduced by Governor Gipps. Although planned for widespread use by Colonial Architect A. Dawson in 1859, this type of cell was rejected due to its cramped size. A very rare example of a padded cell generally used to house insane and uncontrollable inmates is shown. Such is the penal system over time. Further privatisation of prisons is the latest move.

Artists have a romantic history of poverty and the lock-up, in conjuntion with the University of Newcastle and the Hunter Institute of TAFE, support an artist in residence program. The initative invites artists to stay at the lock-up and create work that is shared with our community... exhibited or performed in the lock-up (more accomodation is found upstairs) with installations and performances throughout the cells, exercise yard and gallery.

90 Hunter Street, Newcastle is the work of three of the State's important early architects.

To the Gods of the Underworld. For Gaius Gentius Valens, A sailor of the Praetorian fleet.....He lived 4o years of which he served (in the navy) for 19 years....

From Misenum (main Roman naval centre) on the Bay of Naples, around 100AD. (Nicholson Museum)

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Mind The Gap!
Look beneath a train door and most likely it will be seen that it was made in Newcastle. Local companies seek out contracts to build trains and use their long-standing expertise and create jobs as well.

The land down-under for a change.
Martin Place, Sydney, the venue for the climate change march on Saturday.

Below: Indonesian batik.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008 11am Sat 15 Nov. Martin Place. Recommended by Newcastle climate action who plan to catch the 7.20 train from Newcastle.
Old power poles have a use as a message board.

Criticism has been aimed at the terribly inefficient system that is the hugh coal export industry in Newcastle. It could well be valid criticism at one level.
Adopt a new way of seeing. Mining is highly mechanised and removes coal at an unprecendented rate. The potential power for total plunder is taken for granted. Coal pours away non-stop to other shores. Must we use up the entire commodity in one life time?
Can we forgo the so-called wealth from a minerals boom and adjust our lifestyle down for the sake of sustainability and global warming? Find other ways.
It would be unrealistic to imagine untold wealth and progress, with us as another Shanghai or as a fabled Dubai look-alike. Who needs it?

Papua New Guinea. Pidgin. Reproduced for study purposes.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Saturday, November 8, 2008